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Goleniów | 1996

Teatr Brama

Teatr Brama was founded in 1996 in Goleniów by Daniel Jacewicz. The name of the theatre comes from its first headquarters in the Brama Wolińska (old city gate – “Wolin Gate”).

Brama is an independent multinational theatre, known in Poland as well internationally. In Goleniow, where the theatre is headquartered, Brama managed to create an active cultural environment which can be experienced during performances, workshops, projects and likewise during the annual theatre festivals – BRAMAT and ŁAKNIENIA. Brama’s motivation for their artistic and socially engaged cultural activities is to revolutionize the relationship between an artist and audience. This means performance is treated as a meeting which creates the possibility for participation and dialogue. As Socio-Cultural Education Association, Teatr Brama uses formal and informal education methods, to empower people to use art and creativity to improve their quality of life and their world through a wide range of cultural activities.

Teatr Brama for You

Over the years, our activities have blended art, education, culture and important social/political issues. We created a space of freedom, tolerance and mutual respect in our hometown of Goleniów, but everyone who has visited us knows that we also know how to have fun! One of our strongest values is creating a sense of belonging – everyone can join us and create their own version of culture.






Workshops in Goleniow


The Social-Cultural-Education Association Teatr Brama was formed in 2005. Since then, the theatre carries out independent projects, both inside Poland and abroad. Since 2011 the Association has been actively engaged …


Teatr Brama was founded in 1996 by Daniel Jacewicz. The name of the theatre comes from its first headquarters ? Brama Wolińska (Goleniow’s old city gate). It was there that the theatre began first as an informal …

Places of Theatre

Brama Wolińska – the most priceless landmark building of Goleniów, built in the 15th century as one of four city gates. In it’s attic Daniel Jacewicz started workshops with the local community and created his alternative theatre …


BramaLAB is an umbrella term for our artistic labratory where many different kinds of creative (theatrical, musical, experimental, educational) research and projects take place. BramaLab activities are the initiatives of individuals …

Age groups


The Mała Brama (children group) meets regularly during the school year, developing their theater, vocal and movement skills. Animators educate our youngest group with games and exercises, awakening their creativity and passion. At the end of the school year, before …


The Youth group is comprised of young adults (aged 14-25) that meet during workshops, where together with instructors they explore the language of theatre and music, learn songs, rhythm and acting skills. During winter break the group meets for an intensive, two …


The Adult group was founded in autumn of 2017. The actors in the group are people in their most productive age, who feel uncomfortable in their comfort zone and stubbornly wish to search for new things and question their maturity. The group started work with …


Teatr INDEX is the result of cooperation between Goleniow’s University of the Third Age and Teatr Brama. The group is made up of active senior citizens from Goleniow. The group was founded in 2014 and consists of retired individuals, open to new experiences and gaining new skills …

Performance reviews

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1996 - 2020

Memory lane A trip down memory lane...

Memory lane was created so you can experience an abridged version of Teatr Brama’s history and learn about our most important events and activities. Each year brings new premieres, festivals anniversaries and projects. Brama’s journey began in 1996 but even if you are just joining us now, you can experience highlights of our past on a trip down memory lane.

The descriptions are based on the book “Droga Bramy” (Road of Brama) written by Marta Poniatowska published in 2016.

What if the Theater could be a safe haven?

Since 1996 Teatr Brama has created original artistic works that reflect our utopian views of the world. Our ideals extend into our Association’s work organizing socially engaged art projects. We try to create our very own ‘Republic of Dreams’, our projects offer you the possibility to grow, learn, explore and express yourself side by side with artists. We believe self-empowerment builds stronger, more engaged, beautiful communities.