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Rampa Kultura

Headquarters of Brama Theatre since 2020. The building is situated on Dworcowa Street 1a in Goleniów. It’s a historical reference to the past of Teatr Brama and Goleniów, but also a new beginning and a new chapter for Theatre and the city. Near Rampa will be based Twierdza Design, which will host the archive of Teatr Brama.

Zielona Droga 9

The first stable headquarters of the theatre after it’s return to Goleniów, active from 2011 – 2020. The amphitheatre was created for the Polish Television program called “Turniej Miast” in 1975. Over the years it hosted many Polish artists and was also home to a disco club until 2011. After Brama’s return to Goleniow, the Mayor gave the amphitheatre and it’s backstage to Brama. Since then, the theatre’s headquarters at Zielona Droga 9 became one of the cultural centers of Goleniów, at which every year the festivals BRAMAT and ŁAKNIENIA were hosted. In 2018, it hosted the final of the Caravan Next project ? the Human Mosaic Festival.


A Creative Research Center established by Zygmunt Heland in the village of Strzelewo. In 2001, one day of the BRAMAT festival was held here and since then Teatr Brama has been organizing projects, exchanges and theater workshops there every year. It is a magical place, where artists can cut themselves off from the world and focus on intense creative work. Strzelewo has never been an obvious place – perhaps because of the intensity of the actions taken there and the Spartan conditions, perhaps because of the silence that intensified the inner “voices” that were dormant on a daily basis and provoked confrontation. It is in this space that various transgressions have taken place.

Kana Theatre

Formed in 1976 in Szczecin by director Zygmunt Duczyński. The organization works on the dissemination and promotion of culture in areas of theatre, performative arts, music and interdisciplinary arts. During the years 2008 ? 2011 it hosted artists from Teatr Brama, giving them space to freely continue working on their artistic projects.

Srebrna Góra

Former town, now a village in Poland in the region of Lower Silesia. Srebrna Góra received city rights in 1536 and they were taken away in 1945. In 2007, Teatr Brama moved there and formed the Brama Theatrical Center. The VII BRAMAT Theatrical Meetings Festival took place there.

Klub Muzyczny Rampa

The music club, in which Teatr Brama played their first premiere after coming back to Goleniów, the performance “My”. The club worked with Brama and the local rock music community. During the years 2008 ? 2011 the BRAMAT Theatrical Meetings Festival was hosted there.

Home of Daniel Jacewicz

Home of Daniel Jacewicz ? a temporary headquarters of Teatr Brama. When the theatre was based in their bus, moving around Poland and the world -workshops, rehearsals or meetings took place in the director’s house.

Goleniowski Dom Kultury

The cultural center of Goleniów, formed in 1958. Cyclical artistic workshops for people of all ages are carried out in Goleniów’s Culture House. For years, Teatr Brama has cooperated with Culture House to create consistent artistic offers for the citizens.

Brama Wolińska

The most priceless landmark building of Goleniów, built in the 15th century as one of four city gates. In it’s attic Daniel Jacewicz started workshops with the local community and created his alternative theatre. It was a source of Brama Theatre’s name.