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Kapela Teatru Brama (Teatr Brama Band)

Kapela Teatru Brama is a musical project that was created by musicians and friends of Teatr Brama. The group was formed in 2016 as an orchestra, which accompanied parades organized by Brama during the Caravan Next project activities. Over the years the group evolved into a band with a steady cast and repertoire. Kapela Brama performs folk music, inspired by many different cultures of the world and has author compositions close to the soul of their inspirations. Their concerts take the form of the traditional dance parties, during which, apart from playing music and singing, the audience is taught traditional procession dances.

Band members: Aleksandra Ślusarczyk (soprano saxophone), Weronika Więzowska (alto saxophone), Konrad Bartoszewicz (trumpet), Bartłomiej Kwaśniewicz (trumpet), Aleksander Kwietniak (baritone saxophone/clarinet), Aleksander Sielicki (percussions), Kamil Więzowski (tuba).
Photos: A.Szczerba

Rock Opera

When the goddess of love has forgotten who she is, when a woman trying to help those in need gets overwhelmed and needs an escape, and a man?s apathy allows the zombie spirit to prey on the vulnerable. How do we break our habits of indifference? What happens when we are so desensitized to the troubles of the world that we choose to turn away?

?The eye of the crocodile opens?

Directed by Daniel Jacewicz, composed by Jarek Chilkiewicz, and written by Małgorzata Sikorska Miszczuk, the Rock Opera of Sandefjord aims to send an anti-war message and asks us to come together in a world that seems more divided than ever, to not take for granted the freedoms that so many others are having stripped away from them every day, and to perform the most radical action possible in times of overwhelming fear and apathy; to Hope and work for a better tomorrow.

Vocal concert

In the repertoire of Teatr Brama there are many songs (mainly from Europe). These are often forgotten songs that accompanied people in everyday life, but also during its most important moments. These songs are the key to understanding the foundations of today’s culture. The emotions and atmosphere in them speak much about their origins. Each country is characterized by harmony, rhythm and symbolism. What is most interesting hides deeper – looking for a common denominator of these songs, we try to discover a common source of European culture.

Photos: E.Gonzales

Projekt 80's

Project 80’s is an idea that was born during preparations for the Human Mosaic festival in 2018. The 80’s are widely considered the best period for popular music and songs from this decade are still played on the radio and loved by music enthusiasts. Teatr Brama, because of their love for those songs, took several hits from those times, sometimes choosing those less obvious and rearranged them in an acoustic style, which gave them a new life and dimension. Despite the general atmosphere of nostalgia, setlist has songs for both slow and fast dancing!

Band members: Daniel Jacewicz (rhythm/lead guitar), Jakub “Babu” Szambelan (lead guitar), Oliwier Szałagan (rhythm/bass guitar), Wojciech Rosiński (bass guitar), Aleksander Sielicki (percussion)
Photos: A.Szczerba


Above is a list of concerts, with which we can come to your town. If you are interested in organizing a performance of Teatr Brama, call or write to Patryk (patryk@teatrbrama.org+48 517 443 981). This could be the beginning of a great adventure or a long-term collaboration!