Premiere of the play ?The Heretics? Ball?
Teatr Brama invites you to the premiere of The Heretics’ Ball, which will take place on October 24th and 25th at 7:00 PM, as well as October 26th at 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM at Rampa Kultura in Goleniów. Additionally, the play will be performed on October 27th at 5:00 PM at Teatr Kana in Szczecin.
The play was created as part of the OFF Polska program organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

What is The Heretics? Ball?
The Heretics? Ball is a musical about rebels, the misunderstood, criminals, revolutionaries, instigators, prophets, and preachers. It is about those cast out by society… But who, and how, can become a heretic?
This play will offend the audience’s feelings. We don?t know which ones, but surely some of them. We don?t intend to apologize, but at least you can?t say we didn?t warn you.
This is how the creators describe the play:
“Join us for the ball. There will be live music, elegant attire, as well as nooses, stakes, drownings, and torture. We?ll chat about rebellion over a cigarette. Does it make sense? Can it be escaped? We?ll sing out everything worth dying for. We?ll loudly laugh at everything possible and secretly cry over ourselves. We?ll find a way to offend everyone in the audience. We won?t apologize, but consider this your warning.”
Upcoming premiere performances of The Heretics’ Ball:
- October 24th (Thursday) at 7:00 PM, Rampa Kultura, Goleniów
- October 25th (Friday) at 7:00 PM, Rampa Kultura, Goleniów
- October 26th (Saturday) at 5:00 PM, Rampa Kultura, Goleniów
- October 26th (Saturday) at 8:00 PM, Rampa Kultura, Goleniów
- October 27th (Sunday) at 5:00 PM, Teatr Kana, Szczecin
For performances in Goleniów, free tickets will be available starting October 18th at the Cultural and Tourist Information Center.
For the performance in Szczecin at Teatr Kana, seat reservations will be available starting October 18th via email:
Cast & Crew:
Performers: Evanthi Athanasiadi, Maja Kamińska, Aleksandra Ślusarczyk, Patryk Bednarski, Wojciech Rosiński, Daniel Jacewicz, Szymon Wójciński
Set Design: Anna Marcattilli
Dramaturgy: Katarzyna Knychalska
Music: Teatr Brama
Music Collaboration: Szymon Wójciński
Music Consultation: Jarosław Chilkiewicz
Director: Daniel Jacewicz
The play is intended for audiences aged 16 and older.
The play was created as part of the OFF Polska program organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute. Funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.