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Brama in Norway

In May, we traveled to our friends at Stella Polaris to develop a concept of activities for the coming months. We met many communities that Stella works with on a daily basis. We held workshops, which were very popular with the residents. We spent many hours talking, getting to know each other. We met dozens of people who will join our joint adventure.

As part of our trip, we had the great pleasure of taking part in Norway’s Independence Day. Together with artists from Stella Polaris, we prepared an art show, which was one of the elements of the celebration. It was an extraordinary time for us, which we devoted to learning about the culture and traditions of the Norwegian people.

Four days of intensive work on our project resulted in a plan of artistic activities. Our activities will involve not only the artists of Stella Polaris, but also the residents of Sandefjord and the surrounding area, who participated with great commitment in meetings and workshops with us. Working with the local community living in Sandefjord was an extraordinary experience for us.