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Join us for the premiere of the play ?Wszystko Gra? (All is Fine), created as part of the international project ?Green Ethics.?

The play “Wszystko Gra” is an interactive game engaging the audience, focusing on environmental issues and the climate crisis. Two teams compete for the grand prize, with each dice roll revealing a new challenge on a giant game board.

What unites every human and every living organism is our shared planet. Everything originates from it, and everything returns to it. Every day, we hear about our responsibility for Earth. Climate activists, politicians, oil company executives, and eco-gadget manufacturers all speak about it in one voice. We continue to listen, increasingly disheartened, as frustration and resentment build. But is everything truly fine?

The play was developed within the “Green Ethics” project, addressing environmental protection, climate change, and exploring new ways to engage local communities in actions for our planet. Together with our partners from Italy and Germany, we have prepared the play ?Wszystko Gra.? This production connects the local community and brings together actors from various age groups of Teatr Brama. It is an interactive game featuring live music and visualizations. This unique undertaking involves the audience in the creative process, encouraging reflection on ecology and pro-environmental actions.

Aleksandra Ślusarczyk, Patryk Bednarski, Wojciech Rosiński, Evanthi Athaniasiadi, Dorota Porowska, Enrique Laya Larrea

Directed by:
Daniel Jacewicz

November 22 (Friday), 7:00 PM

Rampa Kultura, Dworcowa 1a, Goleniów

Free admission

Co-financed by the European Union and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund ? a state special-purpose fund.