What can an artist do for the world in a time of crisis? And what should he do for himself? These are perhaps the most frequently repeated and thus already trite-sounding questions of theater people in times of pandemics or war and economic catastrophes lately. We look for solutions in great literature, distinguished predecessors, modern research and individual therapies. The world bombards us with golden advice tailored to every problem, or expects us to generate this advice in our performances.
To face these expectations, we invite our audience to “Carmina – Home of Poles in Crisis”. Once they’ve settled down comfortably and put themselves under the care of our instructions, we’ll begin the collective healing. We will be patronized by the poet Horace, the father of all golden advice, exhorting us to seek harmony and peace of mind. We will follow even the strangest theories, undertake the most controversial therapies. And while we can’t promise anyone that will come out of this screening unscathed, we can guarantee one thing – a song will stay with them, and that’s the last thing that can still keep us from going crazy?.
Cast: Evanthi Athanasiadi, Jenny Crissey, Aleksandra Ślusarczyk, Weronika Więzowska, Patryk Bednarski, Wojciech Rosiński
Scenography: Karolina Mazur
Lighting Direction: Wolfgang Macher
Choreography: Dominika Knapik
Dramaturgy: Katarzyna Knychalska
Direction: Daniel Jacewicz
Premiere: 15th October 2022 | 19:00 | Rampa Kultura i Twierdza Design, ul. Dworcowa 1a, Goleniów
Daty planowanych grań:
16th October 2022 | 19:00 | Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Sala Teatru Laboratorium, Rynek-Ratusz 27 Wrocław
21st October 2022 | 19:00 | Rampa Kultura i Twierdza Design, ul. Dworcowa 1a, Goleniów
27th October 2022 | 19:00 | Teatr KTO, ul. Zamojskiego Kraków
29th October 2022 | 19:00 | Teatr Ósmego Dnia, ul. Ratajczaka Poznań.
The performance is intended for audiences over 12 years of age.
The play was created as part of the OFF Poland program organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute. Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.