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Rock Opera w Goleniowie

On May 17 at 9:30 pm, Goleniow will host the biggest show in the city’s history. Various Goleniow groups and artists from all over Europe will present themselves on one stage. A few hundred people, great music by Jarek Chilkiewicz, acrobatics, fire shows and an anti-war, touching message will make this evening one to remember for a long time. Goleniowska Rock Opera will be the first event of Goleniow’s Birthday.

Preparations for the Goleniowska Rock Opera are gaining momentum! Together with the Goleniow House of Culture we will invite you to the biggest show in the history of this city! Hundreds of Goleniow residents on one stage with outstanding artists from all over Europe, acrobatics, fire, great music and lyrics and the premiere of the album! You have to be with us. Already on May 17 at 21:30 in the parking lot at the amphitheater.