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Teatr Brama – “Wśród Naszych”

When: December 10 (Sunday), godz. 19:00
Where: Rampa Kultura, ul. Dworcowa 1a, Goleniów
Tickets: 20 pln, available at the Cultural and Tourist Information Center in Goleniów

“Among Ours” is a show about how the split of an individual causes a split in society. It is also a reminder to see other people as someone like us, with the same joys and tragedies, successes and pains of everyday life. If we fail to do so, it is a short path to exclusion, dehumanization, and even cruelty. “Among Ours” is a manifesto of peace and empathy – values ??that are clearly losing importance in a polarized society, in a world in which we experience the tragedy of undecidability: cut off heads or create a New World out of propaganda? In such a world, is there only a choice between lies and lies, or is it possible to forge new paths? Everyone has to ask themselves this question, and there is still no answer… The performance is the result of the work of the Brama Theater adult group, which has been led by Daniel Jacewicz since 2020.

Directed by: Daniel Jacewicz

Directorial cooperation: Filip Stachura

Dramaturgical collaboration: Jeannette Słaby

Light and sound: Wojciech Rosiński and Elias Saadeddine

Cast: Maja Kamińska, Renata Łabaj, Jolanta Musialska, Emilia Rosińska, Anna Szczerba, Mariusz Posieczek, Grzegorz Rutkowski

Premiere: January 22, 2022