XXIV Goleniow Theatre Meetings BRAMAT 2023

Erasmus +
Prunesti Catering & Events
Stowarzyszenie Teatr Brama
Goleniowski Dom Kultury
The project is co-financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 within the framework of the “Culture” Program.
The project is co-financed by funds received from the budget of the Marshal’s Office of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Goleniow Municipality.
The Ladder Art Company residency is financed by the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA and co-financed by the European Union.
The project is financed under the Creative Europe Program.
rampa – Rampa Kultura i Twierdza Design, ul. Dworcowa 1a, Goleniów
planty – plac planty, ul. 3-go maja, Goleniów
GDK – Goleniowski Dom Kultury, ul. Słowackiego 1, Goleniów
park legend – Park Legend, ul. Kilińskiego, Goleniów
19:00 Hertz Haus – “Hotel H.****”
performance | 60’ | rampa
The place of action of the play is a hotel – a (non)place that is makeshift, ephemeral, and prone to crime. Into this mysterious space the authors inscribe the convention of the detective story, subjecting the motif of the female victim to a perverse analysis. In it, the creators engage in a dialogue with the infamous visual legacy of male gaze.
17:30 Lung and a Half Full Theatre (UK) – “ Tales for an Unruly Audience”
performance | 60’ | rampa | ENG
Tales for an Unruly Audience is a spectacular evening of myth, mischief, and magic, with a selection of ancient tales performed for your viewing pleasure by the Lord of Unreason and Abbot of Misrule himself George Attwill. Performance is a responsive storytelling experience inspired by bardic tradition, Mixing audience participation, mythmaking, and revelry.
16:30 Grupa Pomarancze – “Smolarek”
performance | 40’ | rampa
What if man was created anew? What would the new world look like if the first man created was Polish? And the most important question – whether a cataclysm and the complete destruction of the human race can kill in us the tradition of holding the next Football Championships?
15:00 Extinction Rebellion Liguria – “IORE“
happening | 60’ | rampa | ENG
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a grassroots movement with a worldwide presence that was started in England in response to man-made ecological devastation. The Italian group’s event consists of a short performance followed by an educational workshop.
12:00 Clown Tomi – Soap Bubbles Festival
action | 60’ | planty | for kids
After his performance, Clown Tomi will pull 100 bubble machines and instruments from his magic suitcase. Will 100 liters of liquid be enough for an hour of fun? Bring your cameras! It will be fabulous.
11:00 Clown Tomi – “Street Artists”
performance | 50’ | planty | for kids
Clown Tomi has become the assistant of the Great Magician, he very much wants to appear on stage. Will he manage to come out of the shadow of the master? Master – Apprentice relationship is the magic of laughter and many excellent illusions.
03.09.2023 (Sunday)
22:30 szczeniaki lux
dj set | 120’ | rampa
21:00 Brama & Friends
concert | 60’ | rampa
On the occasion of Bramat, we invite you to meet through music. All generations of the Brama Theater, as well as guests from Poland and abroad, will exchange their musical inspirations, share their sensibilities, and rock the party together.
19:00 Teatr Brama – “Carmina”
performance | 60’ | rampa | 16+
What can an artist do for the world in a time of crisis? And what should he do for himself? We look for solutions in great literature, distinguished predecessors, modern research, and individual therapies. So, we open the doors to our Home for People in Crisis. We hope to help you. Or at least help ourselves.
17:30 Kanarini Berlin Orchestra
concert | 60’ | rampa
Songs and tunes from the Greek-speaking traditions, performed by students and teachers of Kanarini – Greek Music School Berlin. The Orchestra was founded in 2022 and is open to lovers of traditional and popular Greek music of all levels and cultural backgrounds.
16:00 Gruba i Głupia – “Very Funny”
performance | 75’’ | rampa | 16+
Fat and Dumb (Gruba i Głupia) explore the duo’s dynamics through the prism of their own bodies and try on the clownish condition to the emplois of contemporary female freelance artists. Drawing on Shakespearean imagery, they juxtapose their distinctly different silhouettes with the characters of the plays.
13:00 BramaLAB – “What about this love”
performance | 50’ | GDK
A performance prepared with employees of the Goleniow Vocational Activity Center inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince.” During the regular workshops, the group explored the biggest theme of all – love.
XXIV Goleniow Theatre Meetings BRAMAT 2023
30.08.2023 (Wednesday)
20:30 Antagon TeaterAKTion (Germany) – “Dream of a Matter”
performance | 70’ | planty
This piece is a reappraisal of the political and social rebellion of the ‘68 generation, strongly inspired by the symbolic figures of the revolutionary movement of that time. “The generations of the “modern age”, an individualized and increasingly virtual world, explore the poetic dimension of the revolutionary moment: Body Revolution – Revolution Body.”
31.08.2023 (Thursday)
18:00 Ladder Art Company (Hungary) – “2084 – Waiting for the Golden Age“
performance | 45’ | rampa
Somewhere in the open ocean, circa 2084. A group of animals, climate refugees, are traveling on a raft. They, a handful, constitute the population of Earth. The remnant. The survivors. Is it possible to remain an animal in a dehumanized world?
20:00 Stella Polaris (Norway) – “Vendland – love, war and spirituality of the Slavs and Vikings”
performance | 120’ | park legend
Stella Polaris (Norway) and the Teatr Brama invite you to participate in a grand show that has been in the making for the past two years. Through elements of circus, song, dance, and rituals, we will learn about the history of the medieval Wendish people who inhabited our lands.
01.09.2023 (Friday)
16:00 “Gaia’s nuptials – wedding procession”
parade | 30’ | GDK – rampa
Join us for an event thousands of years in the making as the goddess Gaia heads to her nuptial ceremony with the Cosmos. We recommend wedding-worthy attire with little touches of one of the two families – Earth or Cosmos. Join during the parade or an hour before in the GDK for a small rehearsal.
17:00 Patrycja Kowańska – “Furor“
performance | 30’ | rampa
Patrycja Kowańska has been fat for as long as she can remember. And she remembers ever since they told her she was fat. Too fat. No matter how old she was, the pounds stuck to her, tacked on, clung to her, made the right impression and constant pressure.
18:00 Michael Krumins (Norway)
concert | 60’ | rampa
Norwegian multi-instrumentalist Michael Krumins has lived and composed throughout Europe and Africa. From his experiences and numerous travels comes very personal music – a mix of sounds from around the world, progressive rock, metal, and melancholic folk.
19:00 Teatro Potlach (Italy) & Teatr Brama – “The Return of Antigone”
performance | 70’ | rampa
A co-production between Italy’s Teatro Potlach and Teatr Brama, in which a well-known Greek tragedy is combined with the theaters’ explorations of ancient chorus and classical Italian dramatic theater.
21:00 ZOYA
concert | 60’ | rampa
ZOYA is a young band formed by a pack of friends from Gryfino. They play rock music, but they like to go outside the box sometimes. They cite bands such as Pretty Vicious, Myslovitz, Liily and Nirvana as their inspirations.
22:30 Luke Perch & Suwres
dj set | 120’ | rampa
02.09.2023 (Saturday)