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?InHUBitant – Creative Community Evolution? is a Polish-Norwegian project implemented by two theater centers – Teatr Brama (Goleniów) and Stella Polaris (Sandefjord), leading to the creation of two large-scale theater productions including local community participation. The project started in January 2022. ?InHUBitant? focuses on building and developing communities in the socio-cultural dimension by involving them in creative processes. The project will help partners to expand their activities with local communities, create a network of local and international cooperation, and activate in residents the desire for exchange between sectors and different cultural fields. Engaging local communities will contribute to audience development in both Poland and Norway. The partners have many years of experience in the process of involving residents in their activities. Both partners have different tasks. Teatr Brama is responsible for the realization of the rock opera ?Aphrodite of Warsaw? in Sandefjord, including a
variety of social and artistic groups in one show. The task for Stella Polaris Theater is to make a theatrical outdoor production in Goleniów, Poland, based on the Viking-Slavic heritage of Westpommern lands.
The theater in this case becomes a tool that partners use to connect with people and communities. We are curious to see where this process will take us.

Working together for a competitive and inclusive green europe

Polish-Norwegian cooperation within the framework of the InHUBitant – Creative Community Evolution project takes place thanks to funds from the EEA Funds, which are the contribution of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to strengthening European values and eliminating socio-economic inequalities in the EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe. The Culture Program also makes it possible to strengthen ties between the cooperating countries. In the case of the InHUBitant project, cooperation will take place on three levels of exchange between the Teatr Brama and the Stella Polaris Theater.

Community Hub

The first stage will be about building relationships with local communities, which will culminate in two productions with the participation of local residents. The Community Hub will also improve the competencies of creators and animators in the context of conducting cultural activities.

Creative Hub

The second stage is primarily the joint development of strategies for the development of cultural offerings, during which artists will exchange creative work methods and workshops. In this stage, the project participants will also lean into audience development opportunities.

Management Hub

The third stage will involve the exchange of practices and experiences related to communication within the theater and communication between the theater and the local community. For this purpose, the extremely helpful technique of social mapping will be used, through which almost all potential risks and opportunities for development can be known, which will be an excellent basis for further planning and action.

The project is co-financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 within the framework of the “Culture” Program. Project co-financed from the budget of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.Project co-financed from the funds of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2014 – 2021 in the framework of the “Culture” Program. Project co-financed from the budget of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.