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Common Ground ? A Project Funded by the European Union

We are delighted to announce that Teatr Brama Association is one of the partners in the “Common Ground” project, funded by the European Union.

Together with our partners, Protagon ? Freunde und Foerderer Freier Theater (Germany), Piero Partigianoni (Spain), Associazione Culturale Ondadurto Teatro (Italy), Associazione Culturale Ideagor? (Italy), and Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales (Spain), we will carry out activities centered around theater in public spaces over the next two years. These will include workshops, artistic laboratories, site-specific performances, and more.

We live in times of change, where various crises continue to ask us the question: How do we want to live? Through “Common Ground,” we aim to redirect our attention to our immediate surroundings?our towns, villages, and the landscapes that sustain us?and ask: What can we do, here and now? It is time to reconnect with our living spaces, to rediscover ourselves as rooted and interconnected beings, and to engage in dialogue about reclaiming and transforming these shared public spaces. The project seeks to use the expressive arts and theater to create these spaces for dialogue.

Funded by the European Union.
The views and opinions expressed, however, are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.