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Theatre of Natural Growth ? Art in the Hands of the Community”

“Theatre of Natural Growth ? Art in the Hands of the Community” is a unique artistic and social project that engages local residents in the creative process of building environmental awareness through art. Our goal is to demonstrate that culture can be a tool for real change?one that inspires, activates, and promotes more sustainable practices in everyday life. The project involves various age and social groups, including people with disabilities, creating a space for collective action and dialogue. Through creative workshops and a collaboratively developed interactive performance, we aim to foster intergenerational dialogue, strengthen social bonds, and show that everyone can contribute to climate change awareness.

As part of the project, Teatr Brama will invite the local community to participate in joint workshops and meetings with artists and experts, allowing them to develop theatrical and musical skills while gaining ecological knowledge. The result of this collaboration will be an interactive performance in the form of a living exhibition, where the audience becomes part of the story, actively engaging in the experience. The premiere will take place on June 7, 2025, at 7:00 PM at Rampa Kultura in Goleniów.

“Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the cultural program of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2025 within the SYNERGIE grant program.”