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The Human Mosaic

The Human Mosaic (HM) project consists of five partners: NORDISK TEATERLABORATORIUM ? ODIN TEATRET, FABRICA ATHENS ASTIKI MI KERDOSKOPIKI ETAIREIA, ASOCIATIA CULTURALA REPLIKA, and TEATRUL MASCA, with TEATR BRAMA as the project leader. Human Mosaic is an audience-engaging project that aims to use socially engaged theater to create large-scale performances in four different communities (both urban and peripheral) during the summers of 2023 and 2024.

Human Mosaic seeks to leverage well-known rock anthems?music that resonates with and is loved by people from all walks of life. Using these songs as a foundation, the project’s partners will develop a dramaturgy that can be performed on stage by the community as a “rock opera”?a production featuring a band, orchestra, or choir.

By drawing on popular music, the performance will emphasize EU values, democratic rights, and the importance of their vigilant preservation and protection. Using socially engaged theater methods, the project’s partners will involve large groups within their communities in a process that will achieve two goals:

Participants will increase and strengthen their understanding of their rights, freedoms, and the political climate in a way that fosters open discourse rather than polarization.

Social groups will be engaged in a large-scale collaborative project, leaving them with a sense of having accomplished something impressive and positive together, despite their differences.

More information can be found at: https://humanmosaic.eu/

Ustrzyki Rock Opera

July 1st, 9:00 PM
Market Square, Ustrzyki Dolne

After a year of preparation and collaboration with the community, Ustrzycki Dom Kultury and Teatr Brama Goleniów are ready to present the Ustrzyki Rock Opera! Nearly 200 people will perform on stage?musicians, actors, dancers, and acrobats?telling a story of the eternal struggle between good and evil. Artists from all over Europe will join the local community of Ustrzyki to deliver an anti-war message.

The story introduces three characters at pivotal moments in their lives: A Goddess who has forgotten her true identity, a Woman who, in trying to help those in need, becomes overwhelmed and seeks an escape, a Man whose apathy has grown into a prison from which he cannot escape.

Each tries to start anew but must confront a fourth character undergoing their own transformation: the Zombie Spirit?a tyrant who preys on the defenseless. What drives this relentless desire for destruction? Does it even matter? How can it be stopped? How can we break our habits of indifference? What happens when we become numb to the world’s troubles and choose to turn away? Is there more we can do? Can we open ourselves to love?

The Ustrzyki Rock Opera calls us to unite, reject divisions born of political demonization, and cherish our freedoms. In times of pervasive fear and apathy, we must take the most radical actions possible: to love, to hope, and to work toward a better tomorrow.

Creators of the Show:

  • Producer: Aleksandra Ślusarczyk
  • Director: Daniel Jacewicz
  • Libretto: Małgorzata Sikorska Miszczuk
  • Composer & Music Director: Jarosław Chilkiewicz
  • Choreography: Dorota Porowska
  • Assistant Directors: Roberto Prestigiacomo
  • Arrangement: Szymon Wójciński
  • Choir Coordination: Aleksandra Ślusarczyk, Evanthi Athanasiadi
  • Costumes: Karolina Mazur
  • Makeup: Anna Marcattilii
  • Visuals: Enrique Laya Larrea

Rock Band:

  • Guitar: Jarosław Chilkiewicz, Maciej Chilkiewicz
  • Drums: Szymon Synówka
  • Piano: Szymon Wójciński
  • Bass Guitar: Maciej Cierlecki


  • Jan: Michał Grobelny
  • Zombie Spirit: Juan Carlos Cano Montanez
  • Goddess: Dagny Mikoś
  • Ida: Alicja Kruk
  • Man on TV: Wojciech Rosiński

Technical Team:

  • Wojciech Rosiński, Konrad Bartoszewicz, Marcin Trojanowicz, Michał Sowa


  • Enrique Laya Larrea, Karol Budrewicz, Maria Makarova, Karolina Pańczuk

Teatr Brama Artists:

  • Enrique Laya Larrea, Evanthi Athanasiadi, George Attwill, Jakub Chowański, Jennifer Crissey, Julia Berezowska, Konrad Bartoszewicz, Patryk Bednarski, Ramazan Kaya, Wiktoria Gajewska, Wojciech Rosiński, Aleksandra Ślusarczyk

Human Mosaic Project Artists:

  • Catinca Draganescu, Donald Kitt, Fanis Katehos, Tasos Fotiou, Zuzana Durikova, Corina Gageanu

This project was funded with the support of the European Commission.

Rock Opera in Athens

Over 200 performers, including Greek and international artists, as well as individuals and groups from the Athens municipality and the wider Poddass Basin community, will come together to co-create a performance?a true human mosaic?promoting democracy and human rights. Through the power of music, especially rock, an original rock opera will be presented on Sunday, October 1, 2023, in the courtyard of Technohoros Fabrica. This community performance aims to inspire citizens to participate in culture and engage in collective life.

The Human Mosaic rock opera is part of a two-year European program of the same name, in which Fabrica Athens has been participating since February 2023. The program is funded by Creative Europe. As part of its commitment to fostering a culture of participation through socially engaged theater, Fabrica Athens will host workshops from September 22 to 30, led by Greek and international artists. These workshops are open to anyone interested in being part of the performance and/or its creation. They are inclusive, welcoming participants of all ages, languages, genders, and social, economic, and cultural backgrounds.

Creators and Contributors:

  • Fanis Katechos (Director ? Fabrica Athens)
  • Teta Lafazani (Assistant Director)
  • Tasos Fotiou (Music Editor)
  • Giovanna Michaliadis Sarti (Assistant Director, Project Manager)
  • Natassa Arabatzi (Trainer, Performer)
  • Georgia Mavraganni (Trainer)
  • Donald Kitt (Artistic Trainer ? Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, Denmark)
  • Veronica Ragusa & Marco Luciano (Artistic Trainers ? Teatro Nucleo, Italy)
  • Daniel Jacewicz & Evanthi Athanasiadis (Artistic Trainers ? Teatr Brama, Poland)
  • Antagon TheatreAKTION Theatre Community (Artistic Training)
  • Circus Dayz, Jaguar TaeKwonDo School, Rhythm Hoppers
  • Nikolas Douros (Opera Singer), Antonis Antoniadis (Opera Singer)
  • Electra Michaliadis Sarti, Stathis Grapsas, Ahmad Ali
  • Marionettes Tzikas, Fantasy Choir, Isokratisses, Mangue Cisse (Trainer, Germany)
  • Circus Carre Carre, Vlach Society of Athens, Dyo-Ena
  • Hesperia Guitar Ensemble, EOS Music Ensemble, KROUN, Think Sax Society
  • Athens Contemporary Art Conservatory, Psychedelia Attica, Sofia Mavrogenidou, Small Choir

Duration: 90 minutes
Location: Avli, Technochoros Fabrica, 125 Megalou Alexandrou, Kerameikos, Athens

Zadanie Międzynarodowa rock opera Human Mosaic: Made of you and me, for everyone to see

Funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund ? a national special-purpose fund.